Harbor University is the academic wing of The Harbor Church.
It consists of undergraduate (Foundations) courses and graduate lecture courses.
Foundations 100-400 are the initial spiritual undergraduate courses in Harbor University. They are not intended to be in-depth Bible seminars but the first steps to joining, growing, serving, and sharing your faith.
Foundations 100 is a prerequisite to becoming a member of The Harbor Church.
Genesis (In the Beginning - Part I)
While Genesis 1-11 teaches about God our Creator and mankind’s beginning, fall, and exile, Genesis 12-50 teaches us about how God continues His plan to make Himself known through a treasured people. God chooses Abraham and Sarah to form a new family that becomes a means of blessing to the nations.
Topics will include creation, the fall, the worldwide flood, and the origin of nations. Particular emphasis will be placed on the many theological and historical realities that find their source in the opening pages of God’s Word.