The Harbor
Food Pantry
The Harbor Food Pantry exists to provide a
helping hand when it’s needed in the
Odessa and Keystone communities.

THE FOOD PANTRY IS OPEN EVERY WEDNESDAY FROM 5:00 pm TO 6:00 pm or until all food has been distributed.
Donations Needed!
The blue donation bins will be outside the front doors to the student building Monday through Thursday, and Sunday mornings.
Thank you for helping others in need!

Peanut Butter & Jelly

Boxes of Cereal

Canned Veggies


White Rice

Canned Beans & Meat
Food Pantry Coordinator
The Harbor’s Food Pantry Coordinator and contributors work tirelessly to ensure that we obtain fresh, healthy food on a weekly basis to distribute to families in our local communities.

Daniel Soares
Food Insecurity Coordinator
The Harbor Church Food Pantry
Feeding over 100 families each week!