Hi! I’m Tonya Towner and I am one of the CR ministry leaders at The Harbor Church in Odessa, Florida.
Attending CR for the first time can be intimidating…like free falling from the sky! Thankfully, I had a professional who helped me land safely on the ground since I didn’t know what I was doing!
In Celebrate Recovery there are many who have been working their recoveries for years, along with new people just beginning their journeys. We are here to help guide you as you walk through the process and the CR program. So, if you are stuck in anger, resentment, shame, guilt, codependency, compulsive behaviors, or addictions (basically any hurt, habit or hangup), then this is the place for you!
I hope I can meet you soon, and if you have any questions please email me through the link below!
Dinner at 6:30pm ($5 cost) and meeting starts at 7:00pm.
Free childcare available starting at 6:30 pm, and they can join dinner from 6:30-7:00pm.

Sure! You can feel free to use the email link below or call the church office at (813) 920-9922.
We meet every Tuesday at 6:30pm for dinner, with the meeting following immediately after at 7:00pm.
Meetings are in the main worship center here at The Harbor Church at 1516 Race Track Road, Odessa, Florida.
No! Just come!!
Dinner is at 6:30pm and worship starts at 7:00pm, followed by lesson and share groups.
Lots of nice people who are working on their own hurts, habits or hangups. No judgement here … come as you are and expect friendly faces.
Worship, announcements, a lesson or testimony (they alternate each week). Then we break into share groups.
The share groups are our time to talk about what we are working on and how we are doing. There are multiple share groups for different topics, but all groups are gender specific.
Just let the greeter know. We have a one time newcomers class for you where we will explain the program and answer any questions you might have.
YES! Our free childcare starts at 6:30 pm., and children are welcome at dinner from 6:30-7:00pm.
When we participate in a 12 step study we are provided with an opportunity to dig deeper into the areas we are working on in ourselves. As a result, we learn how to use the tools of the program to help us overcome our hurts, habits and hangups.
12-Step Studies start at the beginning of each year and take approximately 6-7 months to complete. You will need to attend each week’s meeting, write a moral inventory, and share your testimony after you are done. For more information or questions, please feel free to contact us via email or talk to Tonya or Digger on Tuesday!
Yes! You can also access past testimonies via our YouTube channel, using the link below:
Check out even more information about how CR was started, and the nation-wide activities!