Foundations 100-400 are the initial spiritual courses at The Harbor Church. Consider them undergraduate courses. They are intended to help those who are seeking Jesus to accept Him as Savior and Lord, and to learn how to grow in their faith.
Foundations 100-400 are also intended to help those who are seeking a church home to clearly understand The Harbor’s mission, vision, essential beliefs, spiritual habits, and serving opportunities.
Foundations is not intended to be an in-depth Bible study; rather, it is the first step in growth, unity, and service at the church.
There are no prerequisites other than signing up for the seminar.
Length of Course:
Just yourself. We will supply the Foundations 100 booklet and Harbor pen.
Course Outline:
You will learn the four essentials of The Harbor Church to help you make an informed decision about your involvement.
- The Salvation of the church explaining a personal relationship with Jesus, baptism, and The Lord’s Supper (also known at Communion or Eucharist).
- The Strategies of the church to reach our community and beyond.
- The Structure of the church to keep it organized and running properly.
- The Statements of the church concerning The Harbor vision, mission, and essential beliefs.
Join the Group will register you for Foundation 100.
Foundations 100 is a prerequisite to becoming a member of The Harbor Church.
Completed Foundations 100 and signed up for the Foundations 200 seminar.
Length of Course:
Just bring yourself. We will supply the Foundations 200 booklet.
Course Outline:
You will learn the four habits necessary for every Christ-follower’s spiritual growth.
- The habit of having a quiet time.
- The habit of prayer.
- The habit of tithing and giving.
- The habit of fellowship in small groups.
Completed Foundations 200 and signed up for the Foundations 300 seminar.
Length of Course:
Just bring yourself. We will supply the Foundations 300 booklet.
Course Outline:
You will learn the importance of serving in the church as it aligns with your spiritual gifts, talents, passion, personality.
- Your spiritual gifts by taking a spiritual gifts assessment.
- The importance of every gift and how God will use you for His Kingdom
- Your personality traits by taking a personality assessment.
- How to work with the other personality traits in your specific area of ministry.
- Deciding on areas of ministry you will begin to serve.
Completed Foundations 300 and signed up for the Foundations 400 seminar.
Length of Course:
You are asked to write your testimony throughout the week. In the following class you are to give your testimony in front of the class for uplifting and positive evaluation and critic.
Just bring yourself. We will supply the Foundations 400 booklet.
Course Outline:
You will learn about:
- Your individual mission.
- The Church’s corporate mission.
- The importance of your testimony and how to use it.
- How to write your testimony. (2-4 minutes)
FYI: You can have your testimony filmed and used to reach the lost through social media.
It is not a requirement to have your testimony filmed to finish the course.