“You use steel to sharpen steel, and one friend sharpens another.”
Proverbs 27:17
Mike Larkin
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Men com together using the YouVersion Bible App to study the Word of God. If you are not yet participating in the Men’s Bible Study, and you would like to join us, please follow these steps:
1) To download the YouVersion app to your device:
IOS Devices: go to the App Store and search for YouVersion.
Android Devices: go to Google Play Store and search for YouVersion.
Amazon Devices: go to Amazon App Store and search for YouVersion.
PCs: go to bible.com.
2) Now, verify that the brown Bible icon is on your device.
3)Next, set up your account.
4) Search for Michael Larkin (choose the one with the guy with the big fish) and
request to add him as a friend.
5) Michael will add you to the invitation list for the study!
Who: All men are invited to come to the Men’s Monthly Roundtable.
What: This is a monthly gathering of Harbor Men. Join us as we enjoy coffee, pastries, Bible study, lively discussions and great fellowship!
Where: We meet in the Student building on the Harbor Campus.
When: The last Saturday of each month, from 9-10:30am.