
Have you ever thought or said the words, “God can’t use me.” If you have, I want to encourage you with three unpretentious words, “You are wrong!” I bet you weren’t expecting that!

Throughout the Bible, God used ordinary dysfunctional people, just like you and me, to do extraordinary things. It’s true. Believe it!

God can’t is NOT a Biblical truth. Can’t is NOT in God’s vocabulary. It’s an oxymoron. God is perfect; therefore, He can do anything He desires. He can accomplish anything He wants, and He wants to use us for His work on this earth.

It says in 2 Corinthians 12:9, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Through God’s grace, our weaknesses, vulnerabilities, and struggles are made perfect. He can and will use them to encourage those whom we meet. Through God’s grace, we can become God’s Superhero!

The Bible shows that God:

  • turns nobodies into somebodies (Rahab)
  • moves doubtful feelings into thoughts of certainty (Thomas)
  • modifies a whining attitude into a content heart (Israel)
  • transforms a negative mind into a beacon of positivity (Job)
  • changes an insecure person into a confident soul (Gideon)

Jesus wants you to become His Superhero. You won’t become a DC or Marvel Superhero who can leap tall buildings in a single bound or melt metal with their eyes. No, you have something much more powerful; you have omnipotent God on your side! He will give you the power to overcome your doubts, anger, and insecurities to help others do the same. That’s powerful stuff!

So, get ready to become God’s Superhero!

You can do it!

You have the power of God in you!

You can be God’s Superhero of love, forgiveness, hope, reconciliation, recovery, confidence, and encouragement to this world!

David Towner is an author and has been the senior pastor of The Harbor Church in Odessa, Fl, for twenty-two years. He is married to his wife, Tonya. They have three beautiful girls and four awesome grandsons.  

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