What Can You Do When You Feel Powerless?

Sometimes, when we feel powerless, our pride and fears can move in. They can start running the show of our lives by leading us to listen to many misleading thoughts about how to navigate our relationships. Sometimes, our beliefs cause us to believe that if we can keep the mask on who we want to portray to others, we will be happy and safe from being hurt.

But that is a lie.

As long as we listen to that lie, we’ll stay stuck in not being who we truly are, and when that mask gets too heavy to wear, we’ll switch it out for a different one. Eventually, we will grow weary, and the person we are trying to hide begins to show up.

I’ve worn masks over the years to hide my fears.

  • I feared what others might think if they knew the real me.
  • I feared rejection.
  • I feared failing.
  • Sometimes I feared what the future might hold for me.

I thought if I kept on the mask that showed a strong, confident, and in control person that it would keep me safe and in charge of my life and future. But God showed me that was a lie.

My masks only brought me isolation, anger, and frustration.

When I began attending Celebrate Recovery, I discovered I had a safe place to take off my mask and start living as the messed up person I am.

I have to confess taking off my masks at first was scary, uncomfortable, and a little awkward. But over time, I have come to appreciate the freedom I have, living humbly in my imperfection.

Humility is the key. Proverbs 29:23 says, “Pride comes before a fall, while humility brings honor.” When we take off our masks and humbly come to God, we can find healing and freedom.

If you need a safe place where others are taking off their masks and practicing being who they are, join us at Celebrate Recovery on Tuesday nights at 7 pm here at The Harbor.

Tonya Towner is the Co-Author of the Today Is My Favor Day Workbook and is currently the Director of Operations and Celebrate Recovery Coordinator at The Harbor Church. She is married to David and has three daughters and four grandsons.

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