Praying Online May Feel Awkward But . . .

Covid-19 has changed our lives in many ways.

It has changed the way we date. Tonya and I have searched for places to dance, but they are not open right now. We are thinking of purchasing a cheap disco ball and using it in our living room.

The pandemic has changed our interactions with six-feet social distancing, fist bumps, and air hugs. God forbid we give a hug without a person yelling, “No, hugging! Socially distancing!”

It changed the way we buy groceries. I went the wrong way down an aisle, and a lady almost performed a citizen’s arrest. By the way, does anyone know where you can find toilet paper and disinfectant wipes?

And, yes, COVID has even affected the way we do church. Our church disinfects continuously. There are hand sanitizers everywhere you look. Even our Sunday morning announcements, we are shown the proper way to greet people. Ugh! 

We even started prayer meetings online. At first, it was awkward. But we were praying, and I don’t believe God cares if we are praying in person or on the world wide web.

Matthew 18:20 says, “For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.” I believe this verse still applies to us even if we are praying together online. The truth is, we are together but apart, we are in separate homes but together in spirit.

Sam McKeown started The Harbor Prayer Ministry during the Covid-19 pandemic. History has shown that the start of any great spiritual revival started with prayer.

He first started a men’s Monday morning prayer meeting to encourage men in the church to pray. He believed if the men began praying together and then brought that spirit of prayer to their homes, significant change is possible.

Then he started a Wednesday night meeting so the church body could collectively come together to pray. The gathering is structured to encourage participants to give thanks, confess, and then pray for the world, our nation, our leaders, neighborhood churches, and pastors in the area. Lastly, the participants pray for the needs of The Harbor Church. The type-A personalities reading love this; the meetings are agenda-driven, spirit lead, and end on time. Amen!

Covid-19 has changed many things, but it hasn’t stopped the people of The Harbor from praying. Yes, it’s online. Praying online may feel awkward, but get this, God is in it and blessing it.

If you are interested in participating in The Harbor online prayer meetings, please email [email protected] or go to the website and look for “prayer.” The links to the meetings are on the page.

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