Do you feel like, sometimes, you’re wasting time?

I do!

Time Passing By

We take a breath and our high school days blend into our college graduation.

In another moment, we find ourselves married and building new families.

Quickly, our young children become teens, who become young adults.

Then they graduate and begin their lives.

In what seems to be a short amount of time our once vibrant parents begin to look frail.

These moments go by too fast.

We Waste Time

We waste precious seconds, days, weeks, and even months that we will never get back.

Instead of enjoying the moments, we waste valuable time worrying over things we cannot change, and fearfully wondering what will happen tomorrow.

Instead of looking at the world through a positive lens, we hurt our relationships and waste moments staying in a negative mindset. 

What’s The Solution?

So, you may be wanting to ask a simple question, “What’s the solution?” I’m glad you asked.

It says in Psalm 90:12, “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” (NIV)

The Three-Fold Solution

In that simple verse there is a three-fold solution that will help keep us from wasting time. And if you read this far, you are curious what the solution may be. Well, here it is.


First, we need to gaze at Jesus. The more we gaze at Him and glance at the negative things of this world the more apt we will be to live out The Great Commandment to love God and love people (Matthew 22:37-40).


Second, we need to ready to learn from Jesus. He is the epitome of a positive attitude (Philippians 2:5). He is the definition of love (1 John 4:8). He was vulnerable, real, ready to listen, and open to love anyone. We can learn a lot from Jesus and imitate the way He loves (1 Corinthians 11:1).  


Third, we need to plead for His wisdom (James 3:17). Though King David was imperfect in many ways, he was still known as a man after God’s own heart. That’s a goal, to be a person after God’s own heart even though we know we are sinful, screwed up, dysfunction people; saved, forgiven, redeemed, and made new through Christ. It is wise and there is great gain as we seek Jesus with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength.

As we gaze at, learn from, and plead to Jesus we will not waste nearly as many moments. We will spend little or no time on anything that doesn’t keep us focused on loving Him and loving the people in our lives. 

In the month of February, we will go through a small study based on Psalm 90:12 to help us realize life is too short to waste our precious time on anger, worry, fear, and negativity. In this study, we will take action steps with God to rid ourselves of these destructive behaviors and look at the amazing, God-sized and God-ordained possibilities that lie ahead.

David Towner is the author of Today Is My Favorite Day and has been the senior pastor of The Harbor Church in Odessa, Fl, for over twenty-three years. He is married to his wife, Tonya. They have three beautiful girls and four fantastic grandsons. 

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