All of us go through changes. Our bodies, relationships, emotions, finances, and even our standards and character can constantly be in flux. Often these changes will overwhelm us, and we can make decisions that bring chaos and pain to our lives. I’ve been there and done that!

Here is the good news, we don’t have to live in this life of self-destructive change. We can lean on an immutable God. In this life of constant change, we all need someone we can trust who will never leave us, always be there for us, and has our back when our backs are against the wall.

In Hebrews 13:8 it says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” (NKJV) As I meditate on that simple phrase, I can see His perfect consistency will help me deal with my imperfect inconsistency and find peace.

I’ve learned a few things about God’s immutability through the Scriptures and through the hard-knocks of life.

  • God is always present.
  • God’s love never changes.
  • God will comfort us forever.
  • God’s protection is continual.
  • God is constantly in control.
  • God’s promises never wane.

And those are just a few of the never-ending immutable character traits of our God. So, if you feel like the world is out of control and you can’t seem to keep up, slow down, sit a spell, and lean on Almighty God.

#GodNeverChanges #God #immutable #control #comfort #perfection #consistent #selfdestructive #finance #health #relationships #slowdown #mindset #mindfulness #scripture

David Towner is the pastor of The Harbor Church, and the author of the book Today Is My Favorite Day. He is married to Tonya, has three daughters (one is in heaven), and four grandsons.  

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